Business Inquiries Only

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  3. Business Inquiries Only Please
  4. Business Inquiry Letter Format
(Last Updated On: October 3, 2015)

I've come to realize that I'm treating my search for companionship like I'm searching for a business partner. And honestly, I don't know that it's such a bad thing. My business (i.e. my life) is running pretty smoothly right now, and I can't afford to bring the wrong employee in and jeopardize the entire operation. I already know some of y'all think I'm crazy, but just roll with me on this one. 🙂

I'm looking for someone who can bring skills to the table that I don't have, someone who is strong in areas where I'm weak (and vice versa). I'm not a micro manager, so I need a self-starter who has the ability to make clear-cut decisions and be able to see the big picture. I can give occasional guidance in certain situations but if I find myself in that position too often, the employee will probably be asked to leave.

I need someone who is unafraid to take risks, because after all, business is a big risk. Find me a casino. The key is taking calculated risks, based on the information available. Also, I perform evaluations based on actions, not words. If you say you can increase my profit margin by fifteen percent, don't tell me, show me. How to win big at casinos. And, don't come to me later with excuses as to why it didn't happen. Do what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it.Be an employee of your word.

When I'm evaluating an employee, I'm looking at the total package to see what characteristics and actions I'm willing to tolerate and what I'm not. For example, an employee might have a problem with procrastination, but as long as I get a quality, finished project by the agreed upon deadline, I'm ok with that. If you happen to embody characteristics that I'm not wiling to tolerate, it doesn't make you any less of person, it just means you're not the employee for me. Don't take it personally. I know I'm not everyone's ideal CEO, and quite frankly, I'm not trying to be.

Business Inquiries Definition

Exactly what it says. Email for business inquiries. For example: A musician composes a song that's popular on YouTube. A producer sees it and wants to make a record with the musician so he emails them VIA their 'business inquiries only' email. X (Business Inquiries Only) Training is my life. DM for info🏆 🔸Competitive Boxer-15yrs 🔸Personal Trainer/Nutritionalist-12yrs. Christopher and banks coupon codes 2017. Filing Deadlines Find out when all state tax returns are due. Atlantis gold casino. Bulk Extensions File your clients' Individual, Corporate and Composite Partnership extension in bulk.

Two of the most important things I'm looking for are trust and honesty. Can this employee be trusted? Will they do the right thing when no one else is looking over their shoulder? I trust until there's reason not to. I listen, observe, and wait, because honestly, if an employee isn't trustworthy it won't take very long to find out. If trust is lost, good luck getting it back. You may as well just resign. As for honesty, it's crucial. Will the employee tell the truth, even if it might hurt or damage the business? I'd rather hear the truth, even if it's negative and possibly hurtful, than to be lied to. Tell the truth and let the company decide how it wants to deal with it, don't make the decision for the company by omitting the truth or keeping secrets.

I'm not one of those CEOs who hold what other employees have done to me against new employees. I evaluate each employee individually, based on their actions and their output. For the record, my previous employee interactions have been mostly positive. I can't think of one employee that I look back at and go 'he was horrible and I never should've hired him on.' I would never blame a previous employee for a business agreement that went bad, because I played a part in the agreement as well. All I can do is evaluate my role in the situation, learn from it, and determine how I can make better decisions in the future.

I don't discriminate, and I review and consider all serious candidates. If the potential hire lacks experience, that's ok. I want to know if they have self-awareness, and what their level of emotional intelligence is. Do they have the ability to think things through, or do they act and speak before they think? An employee without experience can be a great addition to a company, they can bring innovation, passion, and fresh ideas. And with a little patience, they could possibly blossom into a successful business partner. But sometimes their need to prove themselves and assert their skills and talents can lead to their downfall. This type of employee sometimes takes a lot more patience and understanding (from both parties), but can be a great addition to a company if both parties communicate effectively and are open to compromise.

268 Followers, 840 Following, 426 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from X (Business Inquiries Only) (@gorillatraining). Most small business cards don't count against 5/24 (the inquiry shows up on your personal credit report but the business card account does not). Chase's denial letters for people over 5/24 use language saying that a customer has 'opened too many accounts in a recent period' of time, not that you have too many recent credit inquiries.

Business Inquiries Only

Let's not overlook the experienced potential employee. They typically come well equipped with emotional intelligence, and are well versed in the things that make a company run smoothly. But sometimes they get stuck in the ‘that's the way I've always done things, I don't see a reason to change' mindset. And that mindset can grind a company to a halt. It can also encourage a CEO to begin looking for different talent. An experienced employee also has to be real careful about purging the ‘that's the way we did things at my old job' mentality. Some of that experience can be valuable at a new company, but sometimes it's better to simply implement those ideas without mentioning the previous company.

Business Inquiries Cra

Most importantly, an employee is only as good as their latest accomplishments. You have to think outside of the box sometimes, take the initiative, and look for ways to improve. The more well-rounded an employee is, and the more time they take to work on and better themselves, the better the company will be as a whole. If everyone (including the CEO) is seeking to grow and improve, the company will grow and improve as well. If an employee (or the CEO) is stubborn, prideful, and unwilling to change or grow, the company is doomed to fail. Luna nera review.

There are a few show stoppers, or red flags, that will immediately disqualify a potential employee from joining my team. Bovada not working. They are as follows:

  • The irresponsible need not apply.
  • Own your mistakes, don't make excuses or blame others. Then fix them.
  • Be able to consider, and actually admit, when you might be wrong (and I will render you that same courtesy).
  • You have to be a team player. I'm not looking for entrepreneurs who are only looking out for a team of one.
  • I'm not interested in anyone who lacks the ability to be empathetic, sympathetic, considerate, kind, or caring. In other words, the apathetic need not apply, have some passion about something. You don't have to carry around a box of tissue, but be able to occasionally express some type of emotion. It doesn't make you any less of an employee.
  • I'm interested in employees who are seeking a long-term career, not a job. I offer excellent benefits, but there is a probationary period before you can become vested. And, the benefits are worth the wait. 😉
  • I cannot stand indecision, or employees who like to sit on the fence. Evaluate the pros and cons, make a decision, and stand behind it.
  • If there's a problem, speak up, as soon as possible. Don't wait, sit on it, and allow it to fester.
  • If you have a complaint, voice it, but also come with some ideas or a plan of action on how to fix things. My door is always open.
  • Know what you want, and be able to clearly express it.
  • If you know I'm looking for a long-term, career hire, and you're simply looking for a job, be a decent human being and don't waste my time. It's valuable, and I cannot get it back once it's gone.

If you're looking for a career, and my company sounds like a place you'd like to be, then let's take steps to get to know each other and see if we fit each other's idea of a good long-term candidate.

Seeking one qualified candidate to take my company to the next level,

Business Inquiries Only Please


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Business Inquiry Letter Format

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